
We use our own way to autoscale the amount of replicas using k8s-autoscale. It looks at the pending queue and adjusts the amount of replicas depending on average task duration, SLA and the maximum amount of replicas we want to run.

The configs can be found in the configs directory. Some important config variables are below:

  • worker_type: corresponds to Taskcluster’s workerType

  • deployment_namespace: corresponds to deployment’s namespace in Kubernetes and used in the Kubernetes API queries.

  • deployment_name: corresponds to deployment’s name in Kubernetes and used in the Kubernetes API queries.

  • max_replicas and min_replicas: set the max and min amount of replicas

  • avg_task_duration: average task duration. Used in calculations and affects the amount of replicas we spin up.

  • slo_seconds: (service level objective) how many seconds we tolerate waiting until we start a pending task. For example, with 1 running instance, slo_seconds set to 240 and avg_task_duration set to 60, we don’t spin up new instances until we have more than 4 pending tasks.

  • capacity_ratio: a value between 0 and 1, which tells what portion of the pending pool this entry can handle. Used in case we want to use multiple entries for the same worker type in different clusters.

After a change is merged to the master branch, it’s immediately deployed to the dev GCP cluster. In order to deploy the changes to production, you need to merge from master to the production branch. Moreover, in order for the change to have effect in the desired scriptworker(s), a new image for the latter needs to be pushed out to Docker.